Wednesday, April 13, 2016

                                                            LIVING WITH PURPOSE



      My apologies!  It has been way too long since I have posted anything at all.  However, my absence was just setting up my present in becoming the Editor-in-Chief of the Youngstown Sophisticate Magazine!  The Youngstown Sophisticate magazine is a diverse magazine publication honoring all of the gifted and talented entrepreneurs and individuals who gave their tireless efforts for the betterment of the city of Youngstown, Ohio and it's surrounding areas.

      Like most human beings,  I've had some ups and downs along this journey. I've encountered some good days and bad days. I've had some wonderful wins and some life-altering losses.   I just believe we are to keep on trucking along life's highway no matter what! Although at times it is easier said than done,  I perceive that every morning we open our eyes and take a breath to a brand new day,  we are to be thankful and filled with great purpose.

      I've had one purpose instilled inside of me since I was a child.  That purpose was to write!  The word purpose simply means the reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exist. One's purpose should be filled with intention and objectives.  My intention, objective and reasoning behind becoming a writer was so  I could continue to touch and enhance the lives of others through the experience and expressions of words.  Since childhood, my life's intention and objective had writing all over it.  The first thing I wrote as a child was published in the local newspaper.  The next thing I wrote as a child was the focus of a very important public gathering.

      I am simply saying that no matter who you are, you must intentionally live with purpose.  You must intentionally wake up everyday through adversity and know your purpose is bigger than just yourself.  You have other people's lives to touch.  You have other individuals to guide and to create for. You have other people who depend on you to help them also live with purpose.  No matter what you have encountered, you must muster-up strength to get out of  bed and to get focused.  What is the alternative?  You either live with purpose or suffocate with regret.  Stay intentional friends! Stay purposed! Peace and Blessings Always!