Sometimes in this journey called life, it can throw you for a loop. No matter who you are there are dilemmas that come your way unfounded by anything you could have done but yet just as devastating.
November 17th, 2009 my home was broken into by a local convicted sexual predator. He broke in through my bathroom window and fell asleep in a drunken stupor on my son’s bedroom floor. By the grace of God he did not harm my children or me.
After the police arrested this career criminal in the making I was notified and subpoenaed to his first pretrial hearing and after three months I was subpoenaed again. However, when the original letters was sent he had already had a second pretrial which bonded him out of jail. Today, he is out walking the streets a free man! I love the Mahoning County Justice system!!!!!
This erroneous story would not be so dreadful if it was not for two disturbing facts. The first fact is this idiot lives just a couple of streets behind me. Secondly, I see him almost daily walking the streets, without a care in the world. Right around the corner from my house, like nothing ever happened. I wake up in the middle of the night, wandering if he is in my house since I know he is obviously not in his. (Remember criminals do all of their pillaging at night!)
Now some say I should not post his name in this article because it’s not right. I said to myself………………..Bull!
I have drawn the conclusion while everyone is looking out for his best interest, who is looking out for mine. Of course me! Not the police. Not the judges. Not the system. I was the one victimized but now am being made to be the perpetrator.
I am stating all of this to say that I am mad as…… (well you know the rest!). Right now I feel like my life is at a stand-still. Right now I feel like a lady in waiting. Waiting for justice. Waiting for redemption. Waiting for the strength to take back my peace of mind.
Although this experience has made me a little cenacle, I will try to guard my heart from being blinded by the corrupt laws of the land that only truly protect the guilty.
I have always loved this city. Although so many bad things have been said about it overall I decided to stay and not take the flight to suburbia. I pray I am making the right decision. I never thought the inner city was any worse off than suburbia. I always just assumed the zero tolerance policy help the suburbs out a great deal. Until the city itself adopts the same policy, unfortunately it will always see more of the same. In the meantime, I will be waiting!!!!!