Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Divorce. You would not want to wish this process on your worst enemy. This week I had a very interesting discussion with a couple of women about divorce. It was very liberating. So today I would like to take the time and encourage anyone who has been through a divorce to keep your head up.

Divorce can often be referred to as an emotional and spiritual death and funeral without the sympathy.  I agree with this statement whole-heartedly!  The loss that is ultimately suffered feels as great as any physical loss to the person who is going through!  But unfortunately, ONLY to the person who is actually going through it! The world is still spinning to everyone else while their world has stopped revolving.  

The insensitivity of some individuals can be almost too much to bare.  However, here are several tips to try to help someone who is going through a divorce to make their life a little brighter:

1).  Don’t say highly inappropriate things!-Either you can help an individual or hinder them.   Before you open your mouth make sure support and encouragement are the only thing flying out of it.  Culturally ignorant opinions and other nonsense will usually set someone back. (Oohhhh just wait until you read, “The Purple Legacies” and listen to the blissfully ignorant things I was told.)

2).  Offer your hand in friendship, love and support.-Simply offering to take them out of the house by getting them out of the regular everyday mode is key to the beginning of the healing process.

3).  Treat people how you  want to be treated. -No explanation needed on this one!  Simply a biblical principle!

4).  When in doubt, say nothing at all.-Remember silence is golden. In the book of Job, even his friends sat idle next to him for seven days without saying one word.  Just their support was enough!

Encouraging people  through the process of a divorce instead of discouraging them is beneficial to your well-being also. Keep in mind that in life we know where we have been but know not where we are going!  Peace And Blessings Until Next Time!

With Love,
