Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Opinions are like ears . Everybody has them.  Unfortunately many people are unaware on how to utilize their personal opinion for good and not evil.  Giving your opinion in the proper way can be a welcomed insight to individuals who need it.  However, using your opinion in an abrasive, negative manner can alienate you as well as people from you.  Advice is only as good as the person giving it! Meaning before we can give advice, we should make sure we take our own advice into account.  Have you ever looked closely at the person who is always freely giving you their opinion on an issue in your life?  Usually their situation is in more disarray than yours.  Although somehow, they manage to have the answer to everything.

My favorite story of opinions gone wrong is seen in the book of Job in the Bible.  After Job lost everything in his life including his family, livestock, houses and health, his three friends felt it was their duty to consult with Job.  Their good intentions to mourn with him quickly turned into a free for all of unwarranted advice.  When I was a child I remember adults saying a phrase such as “The road to destruction is paved with good intentions!”   One thing I found very intriguing were Job’s friends staying with him for seven days and nights without saying a word.  It was the custom in those days not to speak until the person who was mourning spoke first.   However,  their advice was an array of an opinionated disaster when given.  They said such things as Job must have done something wrong to be in such a predicament.  They also went on to say Job deserved worse than what he was given!  WOW!!!  So I guess we all have people in our lives that will kick us when we are down!

However,  thank God for a friend like Elihu!  Elihu was the fourth friend and a young man full of wisdom and knowledge.  The reason he was filled with wisdom and knowledge is simply due to the fact he held his tongue.  He paid attention to what they were saying. Elihu also respected his elders and understood what God was doing.  He had better insight than Job and his friends because sometimes it is truly in the quietness of the conversation that we hear God clearly!  Elihu holding his tongue and listening gave Job a better insight.  Elihu already had a sense of what God was doing simply due to listening first and speaking last.  The story of Job ends by Job being totally restored and given more than what he had the first time.

As for myself,  I only give advice pertaining to the things I’ve been through.  Likewise,  in these times I only choose to take advice from non-angry and non-bitter individuals who use factually based information while giving me their opinion to make my most informed decisions.   Based on the story of Job,  I know that only 1 out of 5 people know  exactly what they are talking about when it comes to giving personal opinions.

Please continue to encourage each other instead of discouraging each other while utilizing our God-given wisdom so we ourselves much like Job will be blessed twice over beyond our wildest dreams!  Peace and Blessings until next time.

With Love,

Saturday, May 4, 2013


In your everyday travels have you noticed recently, no matter what you either view online or purchase there is always a “Terms of Agreement” page to sign or check before proceeding.  This “Terms of Agreement” page is to notify the individual user or buyer of all the regulations in a contractual-obligation you will have to agree with in order to enjoy the benefits of a product.

As women, we are one of the most important “commodities” ever. I believe that we as individuals should have our very own “Terms of Agreement” clause when engaging in relationships with people in our everyday lives.  We should have regulations and standards for other individuals to deal with us on.  If one of these rules or “terms of agreements” are broken while in our presence, we should have no reservations dissolving any relationship with the person until our terms of agreement are met with zero compromises.

Today, basic individual respect for each other has wilted away in society. For women to maintain what we have left will take a personal “zero-tolerance” policy implemented in each individual consisting of her own values and morals.  What are your standards for dealing with individuals?  What are your term breakers?  What agreements are uncompromising to who you are and who you want to become as a woman?

 As for me I only have four basic terms and agreements;

1) Talk to me with respect. One disrespectful remark and all bets are off. First lesson learned in grade school is if you want respect you have to give it. We have all attended grade school at least!
2) Be positive.  Life is too short for negativity.  There is something positive in everyone. Find it!
3) Show love and receive love.  Tolerance and understanding is the basis of love.  The lack of love is what kills a person’s spirit.
4) No continual drama will be tolerated.  If I see that you love drama and can’t operate in anything else but drama itself…truly my term breaker!

As women, we have to remember that God did not put the word “WELCOME” on our foreheads. We were never to become a walking door mat. On the contrary, He stamped the word“WELCOME” in our hearts to love, nurture and heal those around us.   Peace and Blessings until next time!

With Love,