Saturday, May 4, 2013


In your everyday travels have you noticed recently, no matter what you either view online or purchase there is always a “Terms of Agreement” page to sign or check before proceeding.  This “Terms of Agreement” page is to notify the individual user or buyer of all the regulations in a contractual-obligation you will have to agree with in order to enjoy the benefits of a product.

As women, we are one of the most important “commodities” ever. I believe that we as individuals should have our very own “Terms of Agreement” clause when engaging in relationships with people in our everyday lives.  We should have regulations and standards for other individuals to deal with us on.  If one of these rules or “terms of agreements” are broken while in our presence, we should have no reservations dissolving any relationship with the person until our terms of agreement are met with zero compromises.

Today, basic individual respect for each other has wilted away in society. For women to maintain what we have left will take a personal “zero-tolerance” policy implemented in each individual consisting of her own values and morals.  What are your standards for dealing with individuals?  What are your term breakers?  What agreements are uncompromising to who you are and who you want to become as a woman?

 As for me I only have four basic terms and agreements;

1) Talk to me with respect. One disrespectful remark and all bets are off. First lesson learned in grade school is if you want respect you have to give it. We have all attended grade school at least!
2) Be positive.  Life is too short for negativity.  There is something positive in everyone. Find it!
3) Show love and receive love.  Tolerance and understanding is the basis of love.  The lack of love is what kills a person’s spirit.
4) No continual drama will be tolerated.  If I see that you love drama and can’t operate in anything else but drama itself…truly my term breaker!

As women, we have to remember that God did not put the word “WELCOME” on our foreheads. We were never to become a walking door mat. On the contrary, He stamped the word“WELCOME” in our hearts to love, nurture and heal those around us.   Peace and Blessings until next time!

With Love,

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