Friday, January 23, 2015



                    As each of us muse over our lives, wouldn't it be liberating to go back and give invaluable advice to your much younger self? Today, I have several tips of encouragement to my seven year-old self and beyond. 

TIP 1-When that elementary school bully comes up to you constantly and says, “Look at your hands.  I am glad I’m lighter than you”,  but God made both of us the same shade of beautiful brown, you must understand that her home life is dysfunctional.  She had no other outlet.  Put no weight on it.  We are all wonderfully unique.

TIP 2-Ladies don’t fight!  That one and only scuffle you had in high school will teach you no man is ever worth physically fighting over for three reasons: 1) Black eyes don’t heal fast.   2) He’s a 17 year-old boy.  There will be 50 more girls in line probably to fight.  3) You should never have to engage in mortal combat for love!

TIP 3- You need a more realistic goal than trying to become a Radio City Music Hall Rockette! Always have a plan B, C, D, E, F, and G.

TIP 4-No matter how hopeless a situation may seem, you will always believe your hope is in God through Christ Jesus!

TIP 5-Never settle in any relationship.  When you end up in a committed relationship remember they are ALWAYS getting the better end of the deal!

                    Basically, we wish we could all go back and teach ourselves life lessons that we learn along the way.  However, learning from the past to never repeat any of our mistakes is the best lesson we can take from life’s journey.  Love you all.  Peace and Blessings Until Next Time!


 our lives, wouldn'our lives

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