Wednesday, January 21, 2015



           My eldest son is quiet and reserved while my youngest son is a pistol.  He has his own ideas, plans and agendas he desires to accomplish.  Every now and then, we clash because his ideas plans and agenda are contrary to mine at times. Having two different agendas can create tension and confusion.  I recently came to the conclusion that God often feels the same way when we concoct our own program without his consent.

Recently viewing a movie called, “Surrendered-The Jay Harding Story”, all of the consequences of moving forward with his own agenda and not God’s came into play.   He was a very angry husband and father, frustrated with life and the pressures of it all. His family constantly tried to enlighten him with the idea they could care less about material things but instead desired his time and attention. Jay Harding’s failures soon overtook his professional and private life in many negative ways.  Jay and his wife separated. Their daughter had a tragic, horrific fall from the staircase.  Jay also defaulted on a loan and lost his business.   Everything in this man’s life went awry until he humbled  himself and prayed to God promising that he would surrender all.

Many of us can relate to having our own personal trials and tribulations. We should all let this story become a cautionary tale that we often need to surrender it all unto God.  This premise of letting go of our own agenda’s becomes much easier when we realize that everything we have is His to begin with anyway. Nothing have we gained by our own knowledge, strength, success or wisdom.  

In 2015 leave nothing on the table when it comes to God.  Receive everything that God has for you. He loves us so much that we will never comprehend it.  God wants to give us everything He has but only if we surrender it all unto him. Go get it!

 Peace and Blessings Loves!

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