Thursday, January 22, 2015



                          If you are a woman, than you have only read or viewed the movie, “How Stella Got Her Groove Back”, no less than four million times.  However, I have actually, like so many other women, came across a moment of needing to get “my groove back” much like “Stella”.  

               Sometimes after suffering a loss, you often began to look for affirmation and happiness in other  individuals.  However, you are soon to realize that true happiness is not found in the affirmations of someone else but it is always found within yourself.  Was getting my “groove” back a nice distraction from the harsh realities of life?  Of course!(smile).  However,  like any other vice or drug of choice, the search for happiness presents only a temporary interference until you realize the core of your problem is still there!

               The time and energy that we put into  “getting our groove back”  to get us through a lonely or rough patch or two could be better spent on self-enhancement.  Go on a retreat, read a book, or even meditate on the fullness of Jesus! Take some time to learn what you want and need out of your future relationships.  Take some time to even discover your gifts and talents. I discovered I am a writing diva machine! Learn to love and embrace the person you are during a relationship hiatus.

                          I’m only relaying advice to you from my past experiences to save you well spent time and energy.  Looking to others for my completeness was well misguided.  I should have been looking toward myself and God all the while.  Today, I am so much stronger and wiser.  Living and learning to do better every single day is definitely what I am “grooving” to now! Peace and Blessings!

Love You Much


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