WRITTEN BY Danica Hobbs-Reed
I am from a small town in Northeast, Ohio. I was mainly reared by a family of strong-willed African-American women…..my mother, grandmother, and aunt. I was brought up with God fearing principles and basic, decent moral values. I was shaped with undying love and strict discipline.
Out of the many things I inherited from the women in my family, two things were left out; self-esteem and self-confidence. Socially, my childhood was a disaster. I am a darker-skinned female, so for the most part, well…I’m going to stop right there (because if you were a dark –skinned women growing up especially in America, you know how the rest of the story goes)! Years of torment from other children cut hard and deep in my soul. Being told "you are too skinny", "too dark", and "too ugly" cut like a knife. Being told “you are not smart enough", “you are not good enough”, “you are not worthy enough” dampened my spirit and soul.
This experience in my childhood affected me so much. It stuck with me throughout my adult years up until very recently.
On January 20 2009, I was honored and blessed to see the most miraculous and amazing thing I probably will ever see in my lifetime. There was an intelligent, beautiful, strong, poised African-American female (dark-skinned woman mind you), whom entered into the world’s spotlight as our First Lady. Michelle Obama for the next four years, at least, will be a symbol to all women. Essentially, my hope is that when a young girl of any complexion, but especially dark skinned little girls, see Mrs. Obama, they will feel as though they are no more less than anyone else. My wish is that when a young girl looks at Mrs. Obama’s dark skin they receive strength from every being of her. I am anticipating that when little girls look at her complexion they will see a Harvard Law degree and know that she was good enough and so in turn, they are good enough to accomplish the same. I am anticipating that when little girls look at her complexion and see amazing beauty, my prayer is that they will no longer be ashamed to look in the mirror. My hope is that after seeing Mrs. Obama, young women no matter how emotionally scarred they are from their past, can take pride in knowing to not let other people define them. My prayer is that these young women will know they are beautiful and smart and can accomplish any and everything.
For all intents and purposes, my experience watching Michelle Obama on January 20, 2009 was almost like my redemption. I myself, after watching her felt as though it was the best therapy I could ever have received……..for free! It was truly a healing for my soul!
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