Written by Danica Hobbs-Reed
I recently had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful woman of God who offers Christian financial classes to women. She empowers all women in regards to monetary issues. She shared her story at a workshop I attended.
This lovely woman informed us that she recently moved to the Youngstown area from Nashville, Tennessee. She stated that where she lived in Nashville, it was much different from our area. The region she moved away from, the average price of homes was about $200,000 and up. She acknowledged that everyone she knew had swimming pools and very modest cars. However, when she relocated to Youngstown, Ohio where the median price for a home is much lower, not only was it a culture shock to her but she stated she had a true awakening after she saw the beautiful, diverse women of this community. She continued to inform us that in all her travels she had never seen women, much like ours. She declared that everywhere she looked she saw very well groomed women from top to bottom. She noticed that women in this area were always fabulous looking from their hair to fingernails. She then in turn coined an endearing term for what she noticed in our town. She called it “Youngstown Fabulous”.
I believe there has never been a more charming phrase than “Youngstown Fabulous” to describe our charismatic women of this area. I myself being a native here all my life, understand exactly what she means. Although our population over the last 40 years or so has dwindled down, our aspiration of greatness is still holding strong. We may only have a population of about 70,000 but our ambitions here are as big as if we lived in Atlanta, Georgia. Our goals are as big as if we stayed in New York City. Our never ending struggle for achieving the American dream still is as vast as if we lived in Los Angeles, California!
Now mind you, here lies the problem. I did inform you at the beginning of this article, that I met this very intelligent woman in her financial workshop! BINGO!!!! Are you following me now? Do you see where I’m heading with this?
You see in all of our “Youngstown Fabulousness”, we have forgotten one small detail. If we are placing everything that we deem as valuable just on our bodies alone we have truly missed the mark. If our lifestyle as far as things and stuff are concerned is our only substance, than we will easily fall short economically, spiritually and otherwise.
What else do some people have to show besides Fendi, Gucci, and Coach? Do we have 401K’s or 403B’s or stock options, mutual funds or even savings and checking accounts? Are we clearing up credit card debt, tax liens and or car notes? I am sure that we are, or that we will very soon!
I believe this year women in this region especially will become more fiscally responsible than ever before. I am encouraging women to take control of their finances. I am praying for women to start businesses and write books, and own their own homes. I am hopeful that every woman in this city credit score will read 700+ very soon.
In essence I believe an outsider has seen the wonderful potential in us and she truly desires for us to see it in ourselves. Her amazing insight to the true beauty of the women in this area is to the betterment of us all. After we take her advice then and only then can we truly wear the title of “Youngstown Fabulous”. And wear it well we will!!!
Danica, I am pleased to have made an impression on you. My prayer for you is to be successful in every endeavor you set out to achieve. As for the "Youngstown Fabulous", let's get our houses in order as well as our priorities. Thanks for the reminder to all. The "Outsider".