Thursday, April 23, 2009


Written by Danica Hobbs-Reed

Have you ever tried reading the newspaper or watching the news lately? Well don’t! Please do not even bother reading about the deviant abilities of our human nature. Likewise, do not bother yourself by watching ill-willed individuals try to destroy all that is sacred.

In times as crazy and confusing like these, I am thankful for what has been instilled in me since I was a child. What is now a bad word here in America…… Christianity, at this very moment in time, is my strength!! It’s all that is tangible to me right now. It is the only thing that I can grasp onto and I know it will not fail.

I was born and raised in the Baptist faith. Although now, I consider myself more non-denominational, my Baptist roots are still there.

We who are in the Baptist faith call ourselves Baptist because we believe in John the Baptist teachings of Jesus Christ. We believe in John the Baptist ideas in the confession of Christ, repenting from sin, and submerging of the body for baptism. Baptist beleives these principles are the closest precepts to the truth regarding Christianity. The word Christian is derived from Christ aka Jesus Christ (for those of us who have not been to Church in awhile)! Christianity means we are followers of Jesus who God sent to save us from our sins.

Since the economy tanked, jobs have been destroyed, trust in our financial system has been almost completely done away with, my Christian beliefs are the only thing still left in my life that is hard, concrete basis of truth for me. Believe me I know that you can no longer say that you are a Christian here in our country without some type of negative backlash, or disapproving whispers, or even the dreaded sighs and occasional eye rolling. However, after everything we have witnessed over the last several years, in my opinion, basically we are living on borrowed time. There is no time like now to say that I truly thank God for Jesus. Moreover, if there was ever a time we needed Jesus' saving grace, it is no time like the present. So in God I will trust….always!!

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