Thursday, March 14, 2013

GOD’S PRETTY WOMAN (More Precious than Rubies)


My favorite story in the Bible is the story of the virtuous woman (Proverbs 31: 10-31).  This is a wonderful narrative account of how the ultimate woman should carry herself. The complete definition of what a woman is supposed to be lies within the words of this wonderful story. The main reason this story holds my heart and is my most desired story in the entire Bible is simply due to the fact of how the story begins in verse 10 with the sentences of, “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.”  Yes! That’s right ladies! At our best, we are more precious than rubies.  Even at our worst however, we are diamonds in the rough!

As you further engage yourself in this story, just the biblical resume of this woman’s description is overwhelmingly impressive.  She is described as a wife, mother entrepreneur, manager, vendor, fashion designer, philanthropist, and a mentor and beyond.  Basically, the virtuous woman’s life is a testament of her strength to maintain a constant overflow of blessing for her and her family as well as anyone else who encounters her very presence.

Unfortunately, this week on social media I witnessed a tremendous amount of women who have never read this story before or truly never understood it.  How do I know they probably never read the story before or really don’t understand their value is more precious than rubies?  Simply because of the way they viewed themselves as nothing but sexual objects. A display of unapologetic indecency for all to see was the agenda for most of these diamonds in the rough. If they have read this story and understand the wonderful meaning behind it, these diamonds would soon recognize that being a virtuous woman has nothing to do with outside beauty at all!  Becoming a virtuous woman starts from you desiring as a woman to build a lasting legacy that is based on more than outward appearances and greater than yourself.  Being God’s virtuous woman has everything to do with enhancing and blessing everything you touch for the greater good.  We as women are given the gift to leave things better than what we found them!

There was a simple reason why I did not tell the whole story of the virtuous woman verbatim.  I would like to implore my readers this day to read this life-changing story in Proverbs 31: 10-31.  I usually do not give homework, however, I challenge you to read this story.  I would love it if after reading this story it touches your life as it did mine so many years ago.  To make it even more relevant when you read it, I also challenge you to modernize it for your understanding.  Give it a personal touch!  When you read the word “she” as a woman insert your own name!  Feel free to post comments if you were enhanced in anyway by reading this wonderful story.

Wishing you peace and blessings for this week.  However as you go about your business this week ladies, keep in mind that favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised…………from my rubies to my diamonds!

With Love

Friday, March 8, 2013


Last night while on twitter talking about relationships, I replied to the prolific and wonderful Sophia Nelson’s tweets with a thought I was most recently enlightened to.  It is the unfortunate sentiments of some women after surviving a broken heart with the previous relationship to live by the motto of,” I will never love the next as hard as I love the ex!”  As for me, my motto is, “ I’m  going to love the next even greater than I ever loved the ex because I know and love myself now!”

After coming out of an abusive relationship and loving a person more than we loved ourselves, we know now what our limitations and boundaries consist of. We know now our capacity for loving but respecting ourselves in the process should not be viewed as a threat to the other individual. God did not create any of us to be a floor mat, but a loving and helpful compliment to one another.  We know we are worth more than gold and should be treated as such!  We know now that when someone keeps saying a relationship is fifty-fifty  it’s is a pure lie because this statement really means they only want to give fifty percent in the relationship .  A relationship is made up of each person giving one-hundred percent at all times! 

Basically, if we are not going to put our heart and soul into a relationship, it’s really not worth our time as well as the other individuals time and effort also.  Whether we are a woman or a man, we should all feel free to take a break in between relationships to re-evaluate where we are emotionally and psychologically before going into the next relationship.   Making the next person pay for the ignorance of the last is a pure sign that we are not ready to commit totally and continue on loves journey. 

Remember the race is not given to the swift but to the one that endures until the end.  Whether its life or love run this race with all of your might!

Peace and Blessings Until Next Time!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Our negative critics are strategically placed before us  in life in everything we do.  Therefore the last thing they need is assistance by us when it comes to tearing ourselves down!  Critics are designed to kill our motivation.  They are designed to destroy our desire for life, therefore deterring us away from our destiny.

Problems arise when we join in along with our critics and put ourselves down also.  Every now and then, we program ourselves to buy into the negative ideas about our dreams, goals or even appearances at times.  We have been told by our critics we can't complete this or that for many reasons.  We have been programmed to believe that we are not smart enough to accomplish certain dreams and aspirations.  We have even been told  we are too big or too small to wear our favorite clothes.  Hearing negative feedback all the time for most of our lives can damper the light within ourselves.

In 2013  the solution is very simple. When you are trying to accomplish something positive, do not engage in  listening to any negative feedback whatsoever.  Know that you are wonderful no matter what your critics say.  Be very aware that God has equipped you and will continue to equip you with all you need to accomplish great things for not just the benefit of yourself, but the benefit of others as well.   Be humble, but always have confidence in your abilities.

I believe every woman this year should buy a beautiful, long  flowing chiffon dress, wear it twice a month while in the mirror spinning around and telling herself that she is, "Gone with the wind fabulous!"  While some critics may have laughed at Kenya Moore for doing exactly this on RHOA, the self-confident spirit those sentiments were done in should be all of our motto's as women for this year!  God designed us all wonderful and unique.  Women should not be afraid to walk in the blessings that we are given.  As for me, I am still looking for a chiffon dress to spin around in. The confidence that it takes to feel comfortable in who you are with the gifts that have been bestowed upon you should be all of our goals for 2013.  Women should be embracing ourselves with all of our flaws and failures working from the inside out,  thus putting our critics to rest.

Well as for me, I am off to the races.  I have a chiffon dress to look for!  I feel a spin coming on. (Smile!)

Peace and blessings until next time.
With Love,

Saturday, March 2, 2013



Moving can be exciting, but yet scary.   As for me I am taking the leap and finally making the move I always desired to make.  Atlanta here I come! I am very excited, extremely overjoyed and a little scared at the same time.  For some reason, my heart has always been in Atlanta.  I can't recall when I knew Atlanta is where I needed to live, however for many years something inside was always pulling me there! We visited Marietta for the very first time last spring. It was beautiful. My children fell in love with it as did I. When we traveled into the city of Atlanta itself, it was evident this was our destiny.   I believe the pure rich heritage and culture just speaks to your spirit.  The essence of the city literally fills your being.

Who cares if it took a full  year for us to make that move! Usually coming to terms with the destiny God has for you always takes a little longer because we as humans are always looking for confirmation.  How does confirmation come you ask? When the very last door closes where you are and other doors are opening up where you need to be this is simply your greatest confirmation.  Learning what we need and what is desired for us usually happens in God's time not ours!  Embrace what is new and exciting and designed to continue to thrust you into the purpose God has ordained for you within.

So with that being said,  I am now recruiting my readers to leave comments on what you love about Atlanta. Please tell me the best points of the city and surrounding area! I am looking for the best restaurants, schools and of course poetry slams!  Please let's show Atlanta some love!!!

Peace and Blessings Until Next Time
With Love