Friday, March 8, 2013


Last night while on twitter talking about relationships, I replied to the prolific and wonderful Sophia Nelson’s tweets with a thought I was most recently enlightened to.  It is the unfortunate sentiments of some women after surviving a broken heart with the previous relationship to live by the motto of,” I will never love the next as hard as I love the ex!”  As for me, my motto is, “ I’m  going to love the next even greater than I ever loved the ex because I know and love myself now!”

After coming out of an abusive relationship and loving a person more than we loved ourselves, we know now what our limitations and boundaries consist of. We know now our capacity for loving but respecting ourselves in the process should not be viewed as a threat to the other individual. God did not create any of us to be a floor mat, but a loving and helpful compliment to one another.  We know we are worth more than gold and should be treated as such!  We know now that when someone keeps saying a relationship is fifty-fifty  it’s is a pure lie because this statement really means they only want to give fifty percent in the relationship .  A relationship is made up of each person giving one-hundred percent at all times! 

Basically, if we are not going to put our heart and soul into a relationship, it’s really not worth our time as well as the other individuals time and effort also.  Whether we are a woman or a man, we should all feel free to take a break in between relationships to re-evaluate where we are emotionally and psychologically before going into the next relationship.   Making the next person pay for the ignorance of the last is a pure sign that we are not ready to commit totally and continue on loves journey. 

Remember the race is not given to the swift but to the one that endures until the end.  Whether its life or love run this race with all of your might!

Peace and Blessings Until Next Time!

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