Saturday, March 2, 2013



Moving can be exciting, but yet scary.   As for me I am taking the leap and finally making the move I always desired to make.  Atlanta here I come! I am very excited, extremely overjoyed and a little scared at the same time.  For some reason, my heart has always been in Atlanta.  I can't recall when I knew Atlanta is where I needed to live, however for many years something inside was always pulling me there! We visited Marietta for the very first time last spring. It was beautiful. My children fell in love with it as did I. When we traveled into the city of Atlanta itself, it was evident this was our destiny.   I believe the pure rich heritage and culture just speaks to your spirit.  The essence of the city literally fills your being.

Who cares if it took a full  year for us to make that move! Usually coming to terms with the destiny God has for you always takes a little longer because we as humans are always looking for confirmation.  How does confirmation come you ask? When the very last door closes where you are and other doors are opening up where you need to be this is simply your greatest confirmation.  Learning what we need and what is desired for us usually happens in God's time not ours!  Embrace what is new and exciting and designed to continue to thrust you into the purpose God has ordained for you within.

So with that being said,  I am now recruiting my readers to leave comments on what you love about Atlanta. Please tell me the best points of the city and surrounding area! I am looking for the best restaurants, schools and of course poetry slams!  Please let's show Atlanta some love!!!

Peace and Blessings Until Next Time
With Love

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