Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Our negative critics are strategically placed before us  in life in everything we do.  Therefore the last thing they need is assistance by us when it comes to tearing ourselves down!  Critics are designed to kill our motivation.  They are designed to destroy our desire for life, therefore deterring us away from our destiny.

Problems arise when we join in along with our critics and put ourselves down also.  Every now and then, we program ourselves to buy into the negative ideas about our dreams, goals or even appearances at times.  We have been told by our critics we can't complete this or that for many reasons.  We have been programmed to believe that we are not smart enough to accomplish certain dreams and aspirations.  We have even been told  we are too big or too small to wear our favorite clothes.  Hearing negative feedback all the time for most of our lives can damper the light within ourselves.

In 2013  the solution is very simple. When you are trying to accomplish something positive, do not engage in  listening to any negative feedback whatsoever.  Know that you are wonderful no matter what your critics say.  Be very aware that God has equipped you and will continue to equip you with all you need to accomplish great things for not just the benefit of yourself, but the benefit of others as well.   Be humble, but always have confidence in your abilities.

I believe every woman this year should buy a beautiful, long  flowing chiffon dress, wear it twice a month while in the mirror spinning around and telling herself that she is, "Gone with the wind fabulous!"  While some critics may have laughed at Kenya Moore for doing exactly this on RHOA, the self-confident spirit those sentiments were done in should be all of our motto's as women for this year!  God designed us all wonderful and unique.  Women should not be afraid to walk in the blessings that we are given.  As for me, I am still looking for a chiffon dress to spin around in. The confidence that it takes to feel comfortable in who you are with the gifts that have been bestowed upon you should be all of our goals for 2013.  Women should be embracing ourselves with all of our flaws and failures working from the inside out,  thus putting our critics to rest.

Well as for me, I am off to the races.  I have a chiffon dress to look for!  I feel a spin coming on. (Smile!)

Peace and blessings until next time.
With Love,

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