Thursday, February 21, 2013



Question. Could our outward so-called "image" become the one aspect of our lives holding us back, especially for younger women?  I pray it's not. However, in my travels, I became more aware that we may have unknowing raised a whole generation of beautiful  young girls and women whose central belief is completely based on outward appearances only. SHAME ON US! The most beautiful people I have ever met, had the most beautiful hearts and spirits first and foremost.

I recently viewed a group of young women whom had their hair all dolled-up. Even their faces were flawlessly made-up as they were barely balancing themselves walking in the latest pair of Jimmy Choo Shoes.   America's Next Top Model contestant's did not have anything on these young women!  Unfortunately, the words that proceeded out of these young ladies mouths and the behavior that ensued afterwards did not compliment them very well.

No matter what, I believe these young women are our unlearned beloved daughters.  They just simply are the product of what society have made them to become.  They were taught that outward appearances is more important than values and character. Their mixed-up morals is the sum of what society has inundated a culture with because of unrealistic images of women. These young women are truly our issue to correct and nurture.   

Solutions to this problem can be very simple. I believe we can actively take a young woman under each of our wings and nurture her. We can help build up her self-esteem and tell her that she is worth more than the jeans or shoes she flaunts.  If we let them know that beauty truly exudes itself from within, everything else will fall into place. We should simply tell these young women that anything we want to buy as a consumer is always quality vs the quantity. Meaning what's on the outside should just be an addition to the major component of the inside. This is the main reason you never see a beautifully decorated birthday cake served on a trash can top! Bon Appetit anyone? Oh yeah, who wants some?  No one! My point exactly!

Peace and Blessings Until Next Time
With Love

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