Tuesday, February 12, 2013



Women are very unique creatures with even more unique hurts and pains. God ordained us to be so special that when we were created, we were manifested from just a man's rib!  In my opinion, this simply tells me that a man is not fully complete without the essence of a woman by his side!(Smile fellas-just joking!)

Seriously, this one extraordinary fact tells me that until women as individuals are whole within ourselves, we will never be able to fully help, assist or stand by anyone, whether it be for our family, friends, children or our mate. I truly am encouraging my ladies in order to be fulfilled this year, do something that you have never done before.  When you feel life's slumps coming on, take a trip to an exotic place or just get out of your city limits for a weekend.  Volunteer to do community service.  Take one whole entire paycheck and spend it on your children, yourself or someone else. Invest in a months worth of Zumba classes. Go to an open mic session for the first time and channel your inner Beyonce! Smile at someone when they make you more mad than you have ever been before! Limit all pity-parties this year to the length of Mary J. Blige "Share My World" album (16 tracks is enough time) once every two weeks. Afterwards,  get up and find a reasonable solution to the problem at hand. Above all, fall down to  pray and meditate daily, giving God praise for blessing you with life for just another day! Do whatever it takes ladies to keep moving forward at all times. Love you all and please keep pursuing happiness for yourself in 2013! You are more important and valuable than you will ever know. Ask me how I know?

Peace and Blessings
With Love


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