Sunday, February 3, 2013


A short history on Mardi Gras is as follows:   Rome converted to Christianity. The Churches founders then came to the conclusion to continue to instill certain aspects of Roman traditions. This time of celebration before leading up to the Lenten season, which Christians adhere as one of the most Holiest times of the year was filled with revelry and fun.  

Well as for me, I was so excited to partake in my first Mardi Gras Ball.  After fifty dollar tickets and a thirty-four dollar dress from, as well as a seventeen dollar pair of shoes to go along with the twelve dollar hair and five dollar necklace set I was so pumped! (I know.... I'm a cheap date!)

I had a wonderful time. Truly this ball was all it was cracked up to be.  Everyone should experience a Mardi Gras ball.  I did the "wobble" until I could not "wobble" anymore! All of the women attendees were beautifully decked out in gowns and evening dresses.  All of the male attendees were handsomely dressed.  

However, the one thing I loved about the entire experience, was the diversity.  White, Black, Indian, Asian.  It was such a beautiful sight. Goes to show that embracing each other in fun and love is very much possible! Well since I am recuperating from last night, this is a short blog!!! I will make it up to you soon!!!Peace and Blessings!!!


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